Why you should add tea rituals to your life

Hey love,

Have you felt like you’re constantly running? I know how easy it is to get caught up in the hustle + bustle of life. There have been times when the last half of the week arrives + I’m not even sure how we got there.

I truly believe that we’ve all, at one point or another, bought into the idea that we need to hustle through life to truly enjoy it later. For many of us, “later” seems to move around a lot. Maybe it starts with graduating from school or a program. Then it moves until we get our footing with a new job/position, get married, have our children, walk away from the job to start a business, our children leave the nest, etc. It doesn’t help that retirement is pushed as the time we can all let our hair down + rest our weary bones down in Florida (yikes).

Would you believe me if I told you that something as simple as a tea ritual can help you feel rejuvenated + refreshed? Ritual is defined as a religious service or other ceremony involving a series of actions performed in a fixed order. To put it simply, it is something that you take the time to do, the same way, the same time. Interested in learning more? Keep reading.

One of the main reasons you could be feeling tired, is the vicious cycle of life. Running the same routine + never coming up for air can leave you feeling out of control, overwhelmed or like there’s never enough time. Oddly, adding one more thing to your day or week can assist…a tea ritual.

As a note, this is YOUR tea ritual done YOUR way. I will give you an idea of what it could look like, but I implore you to personalize it for you, your interests + your life.

What does a tea ritual do? It asks you to slow down for just a bit to do something for you or your loved ones (huge advocate for family/friend tea time here). It gives us a moment to take a breath + practice an activity that is naturally grounding. As an added bonus, tea is good for you too! Most teas offer properties that are healing for the mind + body. Ritualizing tea time makes something small take on new meaning. It gives it a bigger purpose.

Here’s a beautiful tea ritual that you can do in just 10 minutes of your day or week. Again, take ownership of it + make it yours. Happy sipping!

Start by adding “Tea Time” to your calendar or set a reminder in your phone. Any time is perfect, but try starting your day, breaking the day in half or ending your day with this ritual. Commit to the time you’ve set. It will make you feel so good to keep this promise with yourself sacred. At your scheduled time:

  • Intentionally choose the tea you’ll be enjoying. Maybe it changes with the weather, time of year or mood you’re in. Give yourself a few seconds to smell + look at the tea.

  • Begin heating your water to the appropriate temperature for the tea you’ve selected + choose your cup/mug, again, with intention. Take a few deep breaths as you wait on your water.

  • Pour your water over the tea + take the time to watch as the tea steeps. Note the aroma + color of it. As you steep, choose music that you will consume during your ritual. Here’s a playlist that I’ve created, but it is perfectly fine to also choose to sit in silence…especially if your day is usually noisy.

  • Remove your tea leaves + bring the tea to your face. Feel the steam + say aloud 3 things that you are grateful for. Take your first sip + note the flavor profile of the tea. Sit + allow yourself to be undisturbed (yep…this goes for the phone too).

I hope this helps + is the beginning of something truly beautiful. Trust me, you have the time for this. I promise you do. Enjoy the magic of tea time + be well.

With love,



Elevating Tea Time